You Asked: How to Get Rid of My Ab Flab

Dear Fit,
I'm fairly thin, have muscular thighs from running 20 minutes a few times a week and toned arms from doing yoga, but my belly is pudgy. I heard crunches won't get rid of my gut, but what exercises will?
— Jiggly Middle

We all have areas of our body that hang on to fat, so to hear my suggestions about how to get rid of the extra around your midsection keep reading.

You're right about crunches not being very effective at stripping your body of ab flab. They will strengthen the muscles underneath the layer of fat, but until you eliminate that extra layer, your toned ab muscles will remain hidden.

Since we can't spot reduce fat from certain areas of our body, we have to reduce body fat as a whole. The best way to do that is with cardio. It's great that you're already running a few times a week for 20 minutes, so I suggest increasing your cardio workouts. Shoot for 30 minutes of intense cardio at least five times a week, and you should start to notice a difference. You don't have to stick to running — go hiking, biking, or swimming and burn calories while working other muscles. Continue doing yoga since it will maintain your strength and flexibility, and try to go at least twice a week. You won't have to stick with this rigorous routine forever, just until your middle starts to dwindle. I have also found that lifting free weights helps tone the area in a way that feels more effective than simply doing crunches. When lifting weights you will be burning calories and increasing your lean muscle, which can only help you achieve a toned midsection while making you stronger.

For more tips, advice, and support from fellow FitSugar readers who are also trying to lose weight, check out the Weight Loss Support group.


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